Mr Joseph Conrad

A Set of Six

(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform May 4, 2016)
A book of six short stories. The opening story is Gasper Ruiz, the story of a guerrilla chief. Gaspar Ruiz joined the republican forces during a revolutionary war in an un-named South American country. He was captured by the Royalist forces and forced to bear arms. Having been recaptured by the republicans, he is about to be shot as a deserter and traitor, but miraculously escapes a firing squad execution; and through a train of spectacular exploits he rises to command his own army. The other stories featured in the book are:
The informer
The Brute
An Anarchist
The Duel
Il Conde.

CuriousPages Edition
This book is a CuriousPages edition, which has been carefully edited by an experienced literary editor, then formatted to produce a book that is a pleasure to read. These editions are printed by CreateSpace (an Amazon company), which produces exceptional printing quality (of a higher quality than most trade paperbacks) at a reasonable price.
1533083576 / 9781533083579
12.2 oz.
6.0 x 0.5 in.

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