Mr Joseph Conrad

The Secret Agent

Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform April 9, 2016)
The novel is set in London during 1886, where Mr. Adolf Verloc works as a spy for an unnamed country (presumably Russia). The Secret Agent is notable for being one of Conrad’s later political novels in which he moved away from his former tales of seafaring. Thematically, it features anarchism, espionage, terrorism, and also the exploitation of the vulnerable, particularly in Verloc’s relationship with his brother-in-law, Stevie, who is mentally retarded. Because of its terrorism theme, it was noted as one of the three works of literature most cited in the American media two weeks after the September 11 attacks.

CuriousPages Edition
This book is a CuriousPages edition, which has been carefully edited by an experienced literary editor, then formatted to produce a book that is a pleasure to read. These editions are printed by CreateSpace (an Amazon company), which produces exceptional printing quality (of a higher quality than most trade paperbacks) at a reasonable price.
1530967570 / 9781530967575
11.8 oz.
6.0 x 0.42 in.

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