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Book lists tagged Series

46 Books

Best Series for 1st Graders

Book Series Recommendation for 1st Graders (One Book from each series is picked). Click and open one book, search similar books under the same series to get all books within the same series. Enjoy reading!

10 Books

Ranger in Time

The Ranger in Time series

16 Books

I Survived

The I Survived series

38 Books


All of the Warriors books you can find (excuding super editions, manga, and novellas)!

52 Books

Best Series for 3rd Graders

Book Series Recommendation with Guided Reading Level (One Book from each series is picked). Click and open one book, search similar books under the same series to get all books within the same series. Enjoy reading!

48 Books

Book Series for 4th Graders

Book Series Recommendation for 1st Graders(One Book from each series is picked). Click and open one book, search similar books under the same series to get all books within the same series. Enjoy reading!

47 Books

Best Series for 2nd Graders

Book Series Recommendation with reading levels (One Book from each series is picked). Click and open one book, search similar books under the same series to get all books within the same series. Enjoy reading!

56 Books

Book Series for 6th Graders

Book Series Recommendation with reading levels (One Book from each series is picked). Click and open one book, search similar books under the same series to get all books within the same series. Enjoy reading!