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Book lists tagged Middle Grades (8-12)

13 Books

[Grades 3+] Learn more about Bacteria and Virus

Books for 4th graders and above to read more about bacteria and virus. We are brave because we know.

29 Books

[Grades 5-6] Poems for Children

April 28th is National Great Poetry Reading Day. This day celebrates distinguished poetry and the notable poets who wrote them. As an art form, poetry may predate literacy.Children are natural poets. Read and enjoy the beauty of poetry!

16 Books

[Grade 3+] Epidemics Thru the Ages

The COVID-19 outbreak has led to a public health emergency of international concern. History repeats itself, but we learn.

35 Books

Black Lives Matter

Read stories of how African-Americans overcome adversity and making their multicultural mark on the world. (level I-Z)

16 Books

Halloween Comics

Halloween comics

16 Books

Do You Dare to Read These?

VERY SCARY Halloween books (Grade 4 and up)

46 Books

[Grades 3-4] Poems for Children

April 28th is National Great Poetry Reading Day. This day celebrates distinguished poetry and the notable poets who wrote them. As an art form, poetry may predate literacy.Children are natural poets. Read and enjoy the beauty of poetry!

24 Books

[Grades: 4-6] All about Biology

Explore our list of Biology & Genetics, and have fun learning!