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37 Books

Dr. Seuss Collections

Starting with And to Think that I Saw it on MULBERRY STREET, Dr. Seuss has brought children tons of happiness. Find out Dr. Seuss leveled books and enjoy them to celebrate his birthday on March 2nd.

15 Books

[Grades 6 and under] Best Shakespeare books for little minds

April 23rd is National Shakespeare Day. Big themes of love, jealousy, revenge and family feuds may seem too much for little ones, but we found you several options that made Shakespeare accessible and entertaining for kids and young adults. Enjoy …

19 Books

[Grades 6+] Best Shakespeare books for little minds

April 23rd is National Shakespeare Day. Big themes of love, jealousy, revenge and family feuds may seem too much for little ones, but we found you several options that made Shakespeare accessible and entertaining for kids and young adults. Enjoy …