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Books with title Two Years' Vacation

  • Two Years' Vacation

    Jules Verne, Léon Benett

    eBook (Jazzybee Verlag, Nov. 3, 2014)
    In these days, when so many distinguished writers have set themselves to the task of producing books which boys as well as adults will be delighted to read, Jules Verne still remains the master in his craft. Everything which bears his name is still bought with avidity, and for the schoolboy particularly his thrilling adventures by land, air, and water have a perennial charm which shows no sign of change. This volume is a variation on the old theme of ' Robinson Crusoe.' He has, however, given his readers not one Crusoe, but a dozen, who are all youths from eight to thirteen years and of different nationalities and who inhabit a desert island. The youthful dramatis personae are of course very brave, and run through a lot of adventures by flood and field, particularly 'Gordon ' and ' Doniphan.' On the whole, the author, without fatiguing himself, has evolved a set of stirring episodes and adventures which will thrill and interest adults as well as youths.
  • Two Years' Vacation

    Jules Verne

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 3, 2013)
    Volume 32 of 54 of Jules Verne's "Extraordinary Voyages", first printed in 1888. A number of young boys are cast adrift in the Pacific Ocean, with no supplies or expertise among them. They learn to band together for their common survival, and attempt to reach salvation in the wide ocean. This particular edition is reproduced from English-edition public works, and is presented simply with an emphasis on straightforward presentation, attractiveness and continuity of appearance, with each title in the "Extraordinary Voyages" sporting a journal-style brown cover accompanied by a cover illustration and quote from the text on the back cover.
  • Two Years’ Vacation

    Jules Verne

    eBook (Compass Publishing, Oct. 30, 2013)
    The boys at Charman School have a chance to sail around New Zealand on a sailing ship. But by mistake, the ship leaves the harbor without the captain! The ship full of young boys is lost at sea! Luckily, the ship lands on an island. The boys must find a way to live on the island while they wait to be rescued. Little do they know that they will have to wait two years. And then, the only people who come and find them on the island are criminals!