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Books with title Sting

  • Sting

    Cindy R. Wilson

    eBook (Entangled: Teen, March 3, 2020)
    They call me the Scorpion because they don’t know who I really am. All they know is that someone is stealing from people with excess to help people with nothing survive another day.But then a trusted friend reveals who I am—“just” Tessa, “just” a girl—and sends me straight into the arms of the law. All those people I helped…couldn’t help me when I needed it.In prison, I find an unlikely ally in Pike, who would have been my enemy on the outside. He represents everything I’m against. Luxury. Excess. The world immediately falling for his gorgeous smile. How he ended up in the dirty cell next to mine is a mystery, but he wants out as much as I do. Together, we have a real chance at escape.With the sting of betrayal still fresh, Pike and I will seek revenge on those who wronged us. But uncovering all their secrets might turn deadly…
  • Sting!

    BJ Rowley

    language (Golden Wings Enterprises, June 18, 2012)
    Shocking! Stunning! Totally Electrifying!Stephen Ray Fischer—otherwise known as Sting—has a very annoying little "thing" about him. He can’t seem to touch anyone without shocking them literally. Even with rubber-soled shoes and standing on plain dirt or cement, everybody gets zapped.It’s not serious, of course. Kids do it all the time. But not ALL the time.Now, as a junior in his small-town high school, Sting’s schoolmates have long since learned to keep a wide berth, and as a result, true friends are hard to come by. The taunting and teasing are relentless—especially when Sting’s little "stings" start getting a little out of hand.After a curious incident with a high voltage power line, Sting finds he’s suddenly becoming more and more electrically charged. Lights turn off and on, clocks spin like wall fans, radios and TVs change channels. Something very weird is happening, and Sting has no idea what it is or what to do about it. He’s becoming dangerous to be around. There’s even talk of having him put away.Only one girl—a newcomer named Connie Phillips—has compassion for the walking, human lightening bolt. And her father—a retired scientist with a very mysterious past—takes the supercharged Sting under his wing and into his confidence as he works secretly on his "project" in the garage.Then life gets complicated.Sting’s jolted and electrocuted peers decide to teach him a lesson he’ll never forget. Some unnamed government agencies from the big city want Sting locked up for scientific study. Church members want him "Ex"ed. And a smooth talking businessman—with bodyguards—wants to "employ" Sting for reasons he can’t even begin to imagine.And as if that weren’t enough, Mr. Phillips’ project—a top secret, uniquely modified, VERY supercharged Corvette Stingray—has suddenly disappeared. Vanished!And all fingers point to Sting Ray Fischer.
  • Sting

    Cindy R. Wilson

    Paperback (Entangled: Teen, March 3, 2020)
    "A sublime, energized heroine headlines this tale of a dark future." -Kirkus ReviewsThey call me the Scorpion because they don’t know who I really am. All they know is that someone is stealing from people with excess to help people with nothing survive another day.But then a trusted friend reveals who I am―“just” Tessa, “just” a girl―and sends me straight into the arms of the law. All those people I helped…couldn’t help me when I needed it.In prison, I find an unlikely ally in Pike, who would have been my enemy on the outside. He represents everything I’m against. Luxury. Excess. The world immediately falling for his gorgeous smile. How he ended up in the dirty cell next to mine is a mystery, but he wants out as much as I do. Together, we have a real chance at escape.With the sting of betrayal still fresh, Pike and I will seek revenge on those who wronged us. But uncovering all their secrets might turn deadly…
  • Sting

    Jude Watson

    Library Binding (Turtleback Books, Oct. 3, 2017)
    Never do a favor for a friend. Twelve-year-old March McQuin forgot rule number one for cat burglars, which is how he and his twin sister, Jules, found themselves dangling upside down twenty feet above a stone floor at three in the morning. Their target was a set of stunning diamonds and it should have been an easy job, in and out. Except another thief got there first. March and Jules were lucky to escape with their lives, and one measly stone. Now the botched heist has created a world of trouble. The stone they grabbed was the Morning Star, one of a trio of famous sapphires, and it's cursed. The theft put the twins and their friends in the crosshairs of Interpol, the FBI, and a vicious adult gang of international criminals. And worst of all, the only way to break the curse and set everything to rights is by somehow managing to steal the other two sapphires in the set. Break out the black gloves. Lay out the masks. There's a full moon coming, and jewels to steal...
  • Sting

    Ross Davies

    Hardcover (Rosen Pub Group, Sept. 1, 2001)
    Examines the performing techniques, athletic ability, and career of the wrestler known as Sting.
  • Sting!

    BJ Rowley

    Paperback (Golden Wings Enterprises, March 9, 2001)
    SHOCKING! STUNNING! TOTALLY ELECTRIFYING!! Stephen Ray Fischer, otherwise known as Sting, has a very annoying little ‘thing’ about him. He can’t seem to touch anyone without shocking them—literally. Even with rubber-soled shoes and standing on plain dirt or cement, everybody gets zapped. It’s not serious, of course. Kids do it all the time. But not ALL the time. Now, as a junior in his small-town high school, Sting’s schoolmates have long since learned to keep a wide berth, and as a result, true friends are hard to come by. The taunting and teasing are relentless, especially when Sting’s little ‘stings’ start getting a little out of hand. After a curious incident with a high voltage power line, Sting finds he’s suddenly becoming more and more electrically charged. Lights turn off and on, clocks spin like wall fans, radios and TVs change channels. Something very weird is happening, and Sting has no idea what it is or what to do about it. He’s becoming dangerous to be around. There’s even talk of having him put away. Only one girl, a newcomer named Connie Phillips, has compassion for the walking, human lightening bolt. And her father, a retired scientist with a very mysterious past, takes the supercharged Sting under his wing and into his confidence as he works secretly on his ‘project’ in the garage. Then life gets complicated. Sting’s jolted and electrocuted peers decide to teach him a lesson he’ll never forget. Some unnamed government agencies from the big city want Sting locked up for scientific study. Church members want him ‘Ex’ed. And a smooth talking businessman—with bodyguards—wants to ‘employ’ Sting for reasons he can’t even begin to imagine. And as if that weren’t enough, Mr. Phillips’ project—a top secret, uniquely modified, VERY supercharged Corvette Stingray—has suddenly disappeared. Vanished! And all fingers point to Sting Ray Fischer.
  • Sting

    Sheila Wyborny

    Hardcover (Blackbirch Press, April 28, 2004)
    Candid and revealing portraits of contemporary music's most successful and influential stars.
  • Sting

    Anne E. Hill

    Hardcover (Lucent, Aug. 16, 2003)
  • Sting

    Marsha Bronson

    Hardcover (Exley Publications Ltd, )
    Hard to find
  • Sting

    Anne E. Hill

    Library Binding (Lucent Books, Aug. 16, 2003)
    Explores the real person behind Sting's twenty-year public image as a popular, award-winning rock musician and actor.