STEM Jobs in Sports
Rick Raymos
Library Binding
(Rourke Educational Media, Aug. 1, 2014)
Some of the most exciting careers are in STEM fields. A strong STEM education will allow you to research, test, and build new things. Learn about what role STEM plays in the sports industry. The sports engineers who design uniforms that keep players safe and protected from injury, also allowing them to move faster and improve their statistics, to improving the materials used to make the balls, bats, and other equipment used to play these sports. There are many different careers in STEM sports that are all highlighted, including what degrees it takes to obtain these jobs and what each of these people do. So, if you love sports, you may want to consider a career in one of these fields! This book will allow students to learn that cause and effect relationships are routinely identified, tested, and used to explain change.