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Books published by publisher Trafford

  • One in a Million

    Darnell Denzel Williams

    Paperback (Trafford, April 30, 2013)
    Uriah is a third grader who loves to look at the stars. One night before going to sleep, his mother comes in and tells him that he shines like the stars in the sky. But when Uriah wakes up, the day takes a turn for the worst. He stops believing that he is like a star and wonders what makes him so special if he is just one in a million.
  • Run, Rasputin Run! Book 1

    Jennifer Miller

    eBook (Trafford, Dec. 15, 2005)
    Young Sasha, a little bear orphaned as a cub, finds new friendships as he struggles to realize his potential. But as he does so, danger awaits in the jaws of the evil wolf- the much feared RASPUTIN! In his time of need, can Sasha overcome his fears and become the bear his ancestors believe he could be?This is a delightful animal series that struggles with survival, outsmarting the big bad wolf, and friendships that grow stronger with courage, pride and loyalities. A heart warming tale filled with adventure, humor, danger and courage.This story takes place in the forests of Netherland.Beautifully illustrated by Vanessa Knight SimekChildren's book series to age 10.Enjoyed by all.
  • Amazing Women: 4 German Girls, 25,000+ of Miles, 18 Months 0 Money

    Sigrid Carter

    Paperback (Trafford, July 22, 2016)
    Sigrid Carter's life story is worthy of becoming a movie. This was true before she even turned thirty. As an adventurous girl in her twenties, she and two girlfriends from Germany hitchhiked from Colorado to the Pacific coast of Mexico, where the trio took a canoe into the ocean, got lost, and found themselves surrounded by sharks just as bad weather set in. Somehow, they survived. The tide carried them to the shores of Peru, where they spent time living with Indians in the Amazon and working for biologists researching the rainforests, one of whom later became Carter's husband. A Peruvian filmmaker did, in fact, turn the ordeal into a television movie, but Carter professes not to know the title or release date. She has no time for such things—she's too busy continuing to live a life most of us can only imagine. It was her adventurous spirit that led Carter to set up her agency, Envoyé Travel, in 1971 in Lubbock, Texas, where her husband has established himself as an associate dean at Texas Tech University. Lest you think married life and operating a thirty-six-year-old business has tamed her, Carter kayaks every morning, and a few days after we spoke, she was on her way to a polar bear expedition in Churchill, Canada. "Whatever you do in life is a big commitment, so it needs to be fun," says Carter, who's been to all seven continents. "I love this business. There is nothing more fun in life than talking about destinations." And Carter has a lot of stories to tell—so much so that she landed the cover of Travel Agent in 1992 and in 1995 self-published a book, Travel Like a Millionaire Without Being One, which is being updated for a second printing. Her zest for life is infectious. She personally runs select small group trips, leading people on a pilgrimage to Santiago, Spain, and taking others to the Arctic Circle to stay with Eskimos. Many of the local operators she uses have been discovered – and vetted – through her own travels. "Wherever I go, I make friends," Carter says, who also works with such suppliers as Abercrombie & Kent, Butterfield & Robinson, and Clipper Adventures. "I went to India, and my goal was to experience yoga with the best teacher there. I checked the prices, and it was $850 a night! I thought, 'I'm not going to spend that kind of money.'" She left for India and, on the way, met a yoga teacher who invited her to dinner. "It turned out that the family is the number-one yoga family in India—even the Clintons have studied with them," Carter shares. "They live very, very basic, but the simplicity of their lifestyle is something that we all can learn from."
  • Molly Moves To Wilmington, North Carolina

    Melissa Slovik

    Paperback (Trafford, July 27, 2018)
    Molly is not sure how she feels about moving to a new place. Once she hears about the fun things there are to do there, she begins to look forward to the experience. Will Molly like her new house and school? You'll have to read to find out!
  • Enchanting Starlight

    Terialina Terialina

    Paperback (Trafford, Dec. 13, 2013)
    An Enchanting fairytale about a young girl who goes exploring and finds herself in unfamiliar territory, faced with obstacles that remind her of her grandfather's stories when she was just a little girl. Through her journey she is forced to make a decision that will impact her life forever . . . but she has to look within herself to make the right choice. What she doesn't know . . . is that her choice will change her life beyond her greatest imagination!
  • Logan Learns all About Maple Syrup

    Leora Janson Sipp

    Paperback (Trafford, Feb. 24, 2012)
    Logan is a little boy having the first adventure of his life. He travels to Ohio, and meets his aunt and uncle there. Then on Uncle Ralph's farm he will ride an "Old Bess" the horse, play in the snow, enjoy nature and most of all learn how to make maple syrup. Uncle Ralph teaches him step by step and also explains all the other products that come from the maple tree. Logan thought this was the best vacation ever.
  • Discovered Passion

    Rhontina Burroughs

    Paperback (Trafford, May 6, 2016)
    Discovered Passion is a compilation of writings and poetry that have been written over the years. My writings explore the topics of self discovery, spirituality, love/relationships, and intimacy. It is my desire that you read with an open mind and enjoy my passion
  • Word Fanatics

    Brandon Barnette

    Paperback (Trafford, June 22, 2012)
    There are not only words in the book but also some pretty wacky and wild characters that love words so much they decide they must have these words in the book and go to extreme measures to take the words out of the pages. But there is a better solution. There is an important word every one must learn to use before taking. A valuable lesson even these silly characters must learn.
  • Going for the Christmas Tree: A True Story

    Maryfran Stulginsky

    Paperback (Trafford, Oct. 31, 2013)
    “We still have to get a tree.” “Who wants to bother with a live Christmas tree? They can be such a mess.” “I’ll just run down to the lot on the corner. If I go close to the twenty-fourth, I can usually get a deal, and I’m in an out quickly.” Christmastime is such a hectic season that, for many families, finding time to get a Christmas tree becomes “just one more chore.” And the debate between getting a live versus an artificial evergreen seems on-going. This is a tale about how one family turned the task of buying a Christmas tree into a must-attend, can’t-miss event over a series of years. It is a story about making memories, building a tradition, and creating family among strangers in a very unlikely place.
  • The Tales of Tommy Tucker: Pizza Pie Patty!

    Thomas Meadows

    Paperback (Trafford, May 3, 2013)
    Pizza pie patty is a tale that touches on the subject of stealing and the consequences that follow. Although a little less harsh than what may happen in a real life scenario, Perry Paxton most definitely learns his lesson the hard way.
  • A Cat Named Smoky: The Magic Beans

    Bruce Prince

    language (Trafford, Jan. 8, 2014)
    Smoky is a heroic cat that all the other animals look up to. He is challenged by a bullying cat named Bean and two of his cat friends Egor and Chubby. To solve the problem of Mr. Stanley loosing his farm Smoky used the secret of the magic beans.