Addition Flashcards Learning System
A Discovery Book
(A Discovery Book, May 30, 2012)
Welcome to the Addition Flashcards Learning System!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is a fun way to learn addition facts, using a curriculum that is taught in many elementary schools. Instead of learning just by rote memorization, your child will learn strategies for solving each type of problem.The cards are designed to show only the problems and answers, so that children who are easily distracted by pictures and designs can use the cards effectively, too. While this deck is especially useful for children who are just learning their addition facts, it is also a great tool for brushing up on addition facts for older children or adults.Be sure to keep math time fun for your child. You can hold your e-reader device while your child says the facts out loud, or you can let your child go through the flashcards by himself or herself.How the Learning System Works--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The flashcards in the Addition Flashcards Learning System are divided into six different strategy groups, starting with the easiest and working up to the hardest. This system includes addition facts from 0 to 10.The flashcards appear in pairs; the first card contains just the problem, and the second one contains both the problem and answer. The flashcard pairs appear in random order within each strategy group, to ensure that your child knows the facts and is not just memorizing the order of the cards or filling in the sequence.You can challenge your child with the flashcards to see how many he or she can answer correctly in a certain amount of time, like one or two minutes.In addition to the flashcards, the Addition Flashcards Learning System includes 15 quizzes. Nine of the quizzes focus on one or more strategies, and six include all strategies. Each quiz contains 20 questions. Your child should try to get all 20 correct within two minutes.The Strategies--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Counting Up. For this strategy, your child simply counts up 1, 2 or 3 from the largest number in the problem. For example, for 7+2, your child would count up 8-9. For 8+3, your child would count up 9-10-11.Fast Tens. Adding ten to a number turns it into a teen number. For example, 10+4=14 and 9+10=19.Doubles. Children often learn double numbers the fastest. Doubles are always even. For example, 1+1=2 and 6+6=12.Doubles Plus One. This combines the doubles and the counting up strategy. For example, 6+7 = 6+6+1 = 13 and 8+9 = 8+8+1 = 17.Doubles Plus Two. This is like the Doubles Plus One strategy, but you add two instead. For example, 4+6 = 4+4+2 = 10 and 7+9 = 7+7+2 = 16.Make Tens. With this strategy, your child first creates ten out of a pair of numbers, and then adds on the rest. For example, 7+4 = 7+3+1 = 11 and 9+6 = 9+1+5 = 15.The Quizzes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The 15 quizzes contain 20 questions each. The first quiz contains problems using only the Counting Up strategy, and each quiz after that incorporates additional strategies. The last six quizzes contain problems that use all strategies.In order to pass each quiz, your child should be able to answer all 20 questions correctly within two minutes. If your child gets one wrong, simply repeat the quiz until your child answers them all correctly.You can make the quizzes even more challenging by trying to get all 20 facts within one minute—or even within 30 seconds.You can time the quizzes, or your child can time them.