Sparkles from Saratoga
Sophie Sparkle
(, May 19, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1873 Excerpt: ...and if the house be a brown-stone front, the feminine sympathy is something wonderful to contemplate. Mammas, too, seize hold of this forlorn young man, and talk in a motherly way of the need his little ones have of maternal care--of the necessity a mansion has of a mistress, etc., etc., and then usually follows a pathetic allusion to the remarkable domestic virtues of their own daughters. There isn't a young unmarried man who stands a chance of winning when his rival is a handsome, rich young widower. As for the widows, we have several specimens of feminine mourners here. They have such an agreeable way of mourning, too. They wear such dainty toilettes, such airy black dresses, such cunning little widow's caps, for there is no use of being a widow unless you let people know it by wearing a cap. We have jolly widows here whose lives seem perpetual sunbeams; we have fair, languishing widows, sentimental widows, tall and stately widows, widows who are rigid and serene, to whom no man would even venture to propose, and widows whose every glance is a man-trap to catch some unwary heart. Do not imagine a widow is rich because she spends her season at Saratoga. Diamonds and costly garments are not necessary to a widow's wardrobe, and she may, or may not, have those articles at her command. It is very easy to borrow a little boy; have one or two stylish mourning dresses most elaborately weeded; a cap or two of white muslin, which is after all but an apology for a cap, being a becoming white bow with two long ends--and come here and pass for a young widow. Papas who have failed to marry off their daughters after several expensive seasons at Saratoga, and who find them on their hands decidedly passd, might humor the widow farce and find it quite economical. We notic...