Webster's Rhyming Dictionary
(Federal Street Press, Feb. 1, 2011)
An essential tool for students, poets, writers, lyricists and language lovers Where else would you find these words listed together as having something in common: bee, Brie, flea, key, Leigh, quay, Chablis, curie, debris, grand prix and Yangtze? What they have in common is the same ending sound, the sound in fee, flee and free and you will only find them in Webster's Rhyming Dictionary, the perfect resource for writing poetry, song lyrics, rap, slogans, ad copy, jingles, limericks and more. Abbreviated description text: Webster's Rhyming Dictionary, the perfect resource for writing poetry, song lyrics, rap, slogans, ad copy, jingles, limericks and more. Donation description: Poetry is part of the curriculum from the elementary grades through high school. What better resource for kids learning to express themselves in rhyme than Webster's Rhyming Dictionary. Features of this Book Overs 40,000 words arranged by rhyming sounds Includes multi-syllable and multi-word rhymes Easy-to-use alphabetical format