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Books with author Margaret Daley

  • Love Gone to the Dogs

    Margaret Daley

    Love Gone to the Dogs, Book 1 Second Chances Series, by Margaret Daley, sweet contemporary romantic comedicSingle mom, Leah Taylor, has her hands full with a grandfather, an inventor, who lives a bit risky when it comes to his job and two sons, one a rambunctious genius. But it is her free spirited beagle who gets her into trouble with her new neighbor, Dr. Shane O'Grady, when her dog makes a move on his champion bichon that he wants to breed. Leah and Shane clash over their dogs that clearly like each other. Leah is determined to ignore her neighbor, but when her youngest son who tries to defy gravity and fly ends up hurt, it is her neighbor, the doctor, who takes care of her son. Can Leah and Shane find love or has love gone to the dogs?Excerpt from Love Gone to the DogsWhen Leah Taylor heard the pounding on her front door at seven o'clock in the morning, she jumped, nearly sloshing her coffee all over her hand. Did burglars now announce themselves before stealing a person blind? No one else in his right mind would be out visiting at this time. Carefully, so as not to spill the hot brew, she placed the mug on the kitchen counter and made her way toward the insistent pounding that she was sure was waking up the whole neighborhood.She peered out a narrow slit in her mini blind and saw an enraged, huge man standing on her front porch with a shredded newspaper in one hand. The other was clenched at his side. He wore practically nothing except a pair of jean shorts. He stepped back and glanced around, clearly not happy that no one had answered his summons.Backing away from the window next to her door, Leah nervously chewed the end of one of her acrylic nails. The man looked familiar. She was sure she had seen him in the yard across the street. He had to be a neighbor. But why was he welcoming her to the neighborhood at such an early hour, and with an angry expression on his face? She had been here only a few days, and her family hadn't done anything yet to upset the delicate balance of this small town. Or had they? She thought back over the past few days of almost nonstop unpacking. She had been too tired to even venture from the house much, and the same went for the rest of her family—she hoped.When the pounding started again, she was so surprised by the sound that she bit through the end of her new acrylic nail. Well, now he was making her mad. Without thinking, she yanked open the front door and prepared to confront the man who had the nerve to pay her a call at seven o'clock in the morning."Look what you made me do!" Leah held up her hand. "I've tried everything to grow my own nails long, and nothing's worked. I finally decide to get fake ones—that I might, by the way, tell you cost me forty dollars—and look what your pounding has done. They haven't even lasted one week." She blew out a deep breath, then brushed her bangs away from her face in frustration.His dark eyes widened, and his mouth dropped open. He started to say something, but decided instead to allow his gaze to trek downward slowly—way too slowly for Leah's peace of mind. A blush leaped into her cheeks as she remembered her skimpy attire. She controlled the strong urge to try to stretch her large, white T-shirt until it covered more than the tops of her thighs. When his survey stopped at her bare feet, her toes wiggled as if they had a will of their own.She felt practically naked under his intense look. While he was staring at her, she began at his bare feet, which were braced apart in a stance that conveyed his anger, not one toe wiggling. Her gaze traveled upward over long legs that probably belonged to a runner, to narrow hips that the jean material hugged nicely. She paused ever so slightly at the washboard ripples in his flat stomach and came to the decision that the man worked out religiously, something she religiously tried to avoid. Her impression of his being an exercise freak was confirmed when he
  • Lonesome Little Reindeer: Written and Illustrated by Margaret Hawley

    Margaret Hawley

    Paperback (Tablo Pty Ltd, Oct. 31, 2019)
    I know you've heard of Rudolph; You know Dasher and Dancer as well. But in the story of these deer, There's a part they did not tell.Lonesome Little Reindeer
  • How to Create an Organic Chemical Free Garden: A Beginner's Guide to Building and Maintaining an Organic Garden

    Margaret Dawson

    eBook (The Sovereign Media Group, Aug. 28, 2015)
    WANT POISON FREE ORGANIC FOOD?...It is easier than you think!This simple, easy to understand guide walks you through everything you need to know to build and care for your own beautiful organic garden. Covering everything from building garden beds, fixing your soil, dealing with insect attack and what to plant where, this “Green Thumbs Gardening” guide makes it dead EASY! It’s everything You Need To Know To Get You Up And Growing.In this simple easy to follow guide you will: *Learn which plants go together and which plants don't get along *Learn natural pest and weed control*Learn how to identify and deal with common garden pests*Learn how to identify and attract beneficial insects and pollinators *Learn how to make quick and easy non toxic garden sprays*Learn about soils, fertilisers and compostsDensely packed with valuable information this book will serve as a valuable resource that will serve you for years to come.

    Margaret Willey

    Hardcover (Delacorte Books for Young Readers, March 1, 1996)
    Feeling like a new person after joining the music band, Crawl Space, Lisa Franklin hopes to get over the loss of her mother but fears that the other members of the band, who wanted a different sound, may not want her indefinitely.
  • The bee people

    Margaret Morley

    eBook (, Sept. 11, 2018)
    The bee people
  • Heart of the Family

    Margaret Daley

    Paperback (Steeple Hill, March 15, 2007)
  • How to Create an Organic Chemical Free Garden: A Beginner's Guide to Building and Maintaining an Organic Garden

    Margaret Dawson

    Paperback (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Sept. 4, 2015)
    WANT POISON FREE ORGANIC FOOD?...It is easier than you think! This simple, easy to understand guide walks you through everything you need to know to build and care for your own beautiful organic garden. Covering everything from building garden beds, fixing your soil, dealing with insect attack and what to plant where, this “Green Thumbs Gardening” guide makes it dead EASY! It’s everything You Need To Know To Get You Up And Growing. In this simple easy to follow guide you will: *Learn which plants go together and which plants don't get along *Learn natural pest and weed control *Learn how to identify and deal with common garden pests *Learn how to identify and attract beneficial insects and pollinators *Learn how to make quick and easy non toxic garden sprays *Learn about soils, fertilisers and composts Densely packed with valuable information this book will serve as a valuable resource that will serve you for years to come.
  • Curious George Visits the Zoo

    Margaret Rey

    Paperback (Scholastic, Aug. 16, 1987)
    Brand new book.
  • Beetle Boy

    Margaret Willey

    eBook (Carolrhoda Lab ®, Sept. 1, 2014)
    When he was seven, Charlie Porter never intended to become the world's youngest published author. He just wanted his father to stop crying. So he told him a story about a talking beetle—a dumb little story his mother made up to make him feel better. (That was before she left and feeling "better" became impossible.) But Charlie's story not only made his father stop crying. It made him start planning. The story became a book, and then it became school events and book festivals, and a beetle costume, and a catchphrase—"I was born to write!"Because of the story, Charlie stayed seven until he was ten. And then it all ended. Or it should have. Now Charlie is eighteen, and the beetles still haunt his dreams. The childhood he never really had is about to end . . . but there's still a chance to have a story of his own. Beetle Boy is a novel of a broken family, the long shadow of neglect, and the light of small kindnesses.
  • Awesome Foam Craft: Quick and Easy Kids' Projects

    Margaret Riley

    Hardcover (Design Originals, )
  • Matrix of Evil

    Margaret Dalkour

    Six men are trying to save Man from the ultimate evil. A bizarre mirror that shows up in mysterious ways to them and joins them in a common destiny with its weird powers. One writer records their effort with the form of a novel.And a researcher of quantum mechanics professes that everything is possible, but still has not discovered if he believes it in the deepest part of his heart. A paranormal activity by an unearthly cosmic object that Frank Winders received under very strange situations will force him to dive into three different parallel realities. Without, however, keeping - when he comes back - the testament ticket that proves this unbelievable trip. Did Frank Winders actually live in those three different parallel realities or just experienced a lucid dream that its specifications were far beyond the definition of the living dream? Did he actually succeed to dive deep into these three parallel worlds - being their observer and protagonist the same time - or all this was only the result of a faint which lasted just 38 minutes?'The Matrix of Evil” is a fantasy book based on the allegorical roles of its characters. In essence, it shows us that there are no respectable people of unimpeachable integrity, but only "people" made from water and soil. There will always be a temptation, no matter what form this will take, to entice and cloud human judgement. Man tends to turn his wishes and dreams into obsessions and "prisons." Dazzled by mania, he becomes vulnerable to all kinds of "reconciliation," in his attempt to achieve his goal. Failing to assess the happiness he already possesses, he is fighting a losing battle. Yet, only by steeping himself into his past, and comparing "before" and "after," can he remember his superior nature, and cement his will and faith. These are the spiritual stages of the enlightened ones. When Man is equipped with the necessary strength and knowledge to deal with himself, he realizes that he has never been on his own, and rediscovers his true spiritual origins. This time, Man must only discover and revel in what life has to offer, in order to return to his point of departure: the self. Then, life becomes a miracle. We all are co-creators. We build our paradise or hell by our own hands. We do this by giving our strength to faith or to fear. We choose the world we want to live even if we don't want to admit it. What we call “free will” is the greatest gift to human kind and also a powerful instrument which can make the universe listen and help us achieve our wishes and goals. Universe will always fascinate Man with its infinite possibilities, its powers and with its unexplainable structure. But above all will always show to Man that its powers and mysteries can be much greater than a humble human mind is able to imagine.This is a philosophical thriller that contains lot of suspense, unexpected situations and agony, very- very carefully matched in harmony with each other, so it is a novel that attempts to send a shocking message to Man which although is known since Man exists it is almost forgotten.At least, almost in each and every one of us, there is a Frank Winders deep inside struggling to achieve his goals or understand the truth through the difficult trip of self awareness. Frank Winders dived in three parallel realities when an extra-terrestrial artefact that had in his possession released its power. But every one of us makes the same dive even without knowing it, every time we believe in something or not. The way we think is just what determines the worlds we dive in...
  • Child's Activity Kit 1 - The Seasons: A kit of kid’s craft ideas using every day items for discovery learning

    Margaret Mobley

    language (Margaret Mobley, Shiloh's Story Series, June 23, 2016)
    This Child's Activity Kit for the Seasons is an idea creater for elementary level children to learn about their environment while doing fun activities. The creative tasks and thought generators are designed for children and adults to enjoy writing, crafts, and observing the four seasons of the year, without the aid of a computer. (Except for reading and printing this kit!) Have fun and learn a lot!