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Margaret Dalkour

Matrix of Evil

Six men are trying to save Man from the ultimate evil. A bizarre mirror that shows up in mysterious ways to them and joins them in a common destiny with its weird powers. One writer records their effort with the form of a novel.And a researcher of quantum mechanics professes that everything is possible, but still has not discovered if he believes it in the deepest part of his heart. A paranormal activity by an unearthly cosmic object that Frank Winders received under very strange situations will force him to dive into three different parallel realities. Without, however, keeping - when he comes back - the testament ticket that proves this unbelievable trip. Did Frank Winders actually live in those three different parallel realities or just experienced a lucid dream that its specifications were far beyond the definition of the living dream? Did he actually succeed to dive deep into these three parallel worlds - being their observer and protagonist the same time - or all this was only the result of a faint which lasted just 38 minutes?'The Matrix of Evil” is a fantasy book based on the allegorical roles of its characters. In essence, it shows us that there are no respectable people of unimpeachable integrity, but only "people" made from water and soil. There will always be a temptation, no matter what form this will take, to entice and cloud human judgement. Man tends to turn his wishes and dreams into obsessions and "prisons." Dazzled by mania, he becomes vulnerable to all kinds of "reconciliation," in his attempt to achieve his goal. Failing to assess the happiness he already possesses, he is fighting a losing battle. Yet, only by steeping himself into his past, and comparing "before" and "after," can he remember his superior nature, and cement his will and faith. These are the spiritual stages of the enlightened ones. When Man is equipped with the necessary strength and knowledge to deal with himself, he realizes that he has never been on his own, and rediscovers his true spiritual origins. This time, Man must only discover and revel in what life has to offer, in order to return to his point of departure: the self. Then, life becomes a miracle. We all are co-creators. We build our paradise or hell by our own hands. We do this by giving our strength to faith or to fear. We choose the world we want to live even if we don't want to admit it. What we call “free will” is the greatest gift to human kind and also a powerful instrument which can make the universe listen and help us achieve our wishes and goals. Universe will always fascinate Man with its infinite possibilities, its powers and with its unexplainable structure. But above all will always show to Man that its powers and mysteries can be much greater than a humble human mind is able to imagine.This is a philosophical thriller that contains lot of suspense, unexpected situations and agony, very- very carefully matched in harmony with each other, so it is a novel that attempts to send a shocking message to Man which although is known since Man exists it is almost forgotten.At least, almost in each and every one of us, there is a Frank Winders deep inside struggling to achieve his goals or understand the truth through the difficult trip of self awareness. Frank Winders dived in three parallel realities when an extra-terrestrial artefact that had in his possession released its power. But every one of us makes the same dive even without knowing it, every time we believe in something or not. The way we think is just what determines the worlds we dive in...