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Books with author Houston

  • { NIGHTFALL GARDENS } by Houston, Allen

    Allen Houston

    Paperback (Flycatcher Books, May 10, 2013)


    eBook (Shooting for Success, LLC dba Rockit Press, Oct. 29, 2014)
    Endorsed by Donald Trump: "Houston has written a book that should be read by all high school students and parents who are looking for a productive and successful future. 'Schooled for Success' is a terrific handbook for learning the basics in an easy-to-read format. A job well done!"
  • Wings: Passage of Time

    G.G. Houston

    eBook (Connie Rainey, March 23, 2016)
    We meet three types of faeries in the story: Unseen (able to disappear), Lights (able to emit bright light), and Trolls (bad-tempered faeries with no special abilities). Although Light and Trolls reside in the nearby forest, Unseens live hidden inside a large house with humans.In Part One, brother and sister Unseens, Glemce and Faze, venture into the forest and meet forest Lights, and then live among them to bridge the gap between the two typs of faeries. Dirty, bug-eating Trolls, however, present a constant threat to the other tiny winged forest creatures. (Depictions of Trolls range from humorous to horrific, making them perpetual scene stealers.)Part Two takes place many year later and introduces the next generation of faeries. Sage, the new Faerie Queen, unites all magical forest creatures - making friends of Unseens, Lights, and Trolls.Part Three - an abrupt change in focus rather than time - emphasizes human interactions with faeries and with each other. Able to shape-shift into human and animal forms, Sage befriends Thomas, the man who owns the house in which Glemce, Faze, and other Unseens were raised, along with the land Lights and Trolls call home. Together, human and faeries fight and evil witch with murderous intentions.
  • Life Is Better In A Tutu Journal

    Houston Hanna

    Paperback (Independently published, July 1, 2019)
    You’re beautiful & awesome! Take some time to write down your thoughts, make some notes, or doodle and relevé your worries!This artistic 6x9in journal contains 100 lined pages (50 sheets) with a convenient calendar on top to easily mark when the entries were made. A perfect gift for your special dancer or ballerina!
  • A Treatise On Light

    R A Houston

    Hardcover (Longmans Green and Co, March 15, 1933)
  • The Falcon Bow

    James Houston

    Hardcover (McClelland & Stewart, March 15, 1986)
  • Frozen Fire

    James Houston

    Paperback (Puffin / Penguin Books, Aug. 16, 1977)
  • ice swords

    james houston

    Paperback (McClelland & Stewart, March 15, 1989)
  • Black Diamonds. A Search for Arctic Treasure

    James Houston

    Hardcover (Toronto, ON, Canada: McClelland & Stewart, March 15, 1982)
  • Make a Kite

    Becca Houston

    Paperback (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt School Publishers, March 15, 2009)
    This is Grade K, Level 1, Book 5 in the Houghton Mifflin Leveled Books series. The book info is as follows: Level: A / DRA: 1 / Genre: Social Studies / Strategy: Question / Skill: Build Vocabulary / Word Count: 24
  • Wolf Run: A Caribou Eskimo Tale

    James Houston

    Hardcover (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, )