The Animals of Eden: Abel The Aardvark
Susan Burchett
(Independently published, July 15, 2017)
Share the story of Abel the little Aardvark, with your child, learn about how God wonderfully made this amazing animal and follow him as he tries to do what he thinks is right to please his mother, but he misunderstands and disobeys her, not having a right heart to please her. Introduce your child to the doctrine of original sin and total depravity in this light hearted little story. Its so important for our children to understand that no matter what we do, or how good our works are, they will never meet Gods holy standard of perfection unless their heart is first right with Him and they take on the Lord Jesus’ righteousness, which is perfect. In the book of Genesis Abel understood that a life of good works, meant nothing unless a sacrifice was first made for his sins. Therefore he offered not only the best of what he had, but he offered up a blameless spotless lamb to cover his sins. A beautiful picture is displayed here by the bibles first ever prophet Abel, of our Lord and Savior, who is the ultimate lamb of God who shed his sins for the world.