The Secret Life of Dogs With a Dog Walker
Beverly Isla
A heart-warming story about canine companions with their ‘walking’ group and the rich inner lives our fur babies lead. This book showcases the unique personalities that dogs have and no matter how different, they're all loveable.Told from the perspective of the dogs themselves, The Secret Life of Dogs with a Dog Walker, follows Kutty, Otis, Deacon, Carlie, Savannah, Maude, Eunice and their walker. They explore Toronto dog parks, bond with other rescue dogs Zelda, Reagan and Sabrina to find friendship, love and adventure.This charming and witty story offers a glimpse into the minds and personalities of canines. What would they say if they had the chance? What might they talk about with each other, and with us? Perhaps their thoughts aren’t much different from ours. If you like stories with a healthy dose of dog humor along with themes of teamwork, friendship, unconditional love and loyalty, add The Secret Life of Dogs With a Dog Walker to your must-reads and cuddle up with your furry friend for an entertaining and uplifting read.Follow the author on her podcast 'Save A Pooch' on Pet Life Radio