The reptile book; a comprehensive, popularised work on the structure and habits of the turtles, tortoises, crocodilians, lizards and snakes which inhabit the United States and northern Mexico
Raymond Lee Ditmars
(, May 16, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1907 Excerpt: ...scale rows, by the small, narrow head and generally smaller size of the adult. Narrow-headed Garter Snake, E. sirtalis leptocepbala. Distribution.--Pacific region--California to British Columbia. III. No stripes. Distinct rows of spots. Scales in 19 rows. Green, olive or brown, with rows of black spots, arranged in tessellated fashion. Spotted Garter Snake, E. sirtalis ordinatus. Distribution.--States east of the Mississippi. Tbe Typical Form.--The Common Garter Snake, of the Eastern States, is, in itself, extremely variable in its pattern and colours. Mature specimens are quite stout. Young individuals are rather slender. A very large specimen will measure about a yard in length. Colouration.--The ground-colour may be brown, olive, or black. On lighter specimens the rows of spots between the stripes are well defined. The central stripe usually covers the middle row of scales and half a row on each side. This stripe may be yellow, green or whitish, and in the case of the majority of specimens is more vividly defined than the stripe on the sides as it is bordered on each side with the dark ground-colour, while the lower stripe is bordered only above by this dark hue and beneath comes in contact with a pale, brownish tinge. The latter covers the first row of scales and edges of the abdominal plates, and offers a less contrasty border than the ground-colour. On some specimens the stripes of the sides fuse into this pale band, and are thus very obscure. Such specimens show but little trace of the central stripe. As is the case with most of the species of this genus, the Common Garter Snake shows white, line-like spots on the skin between the scales, when the body is distended. Although the usual rows of square black spots cannot be discerned on very dark (black...