Violin - Graduates - Gum Drop Notes Sheet Music: Scales Aren't Just a Fish Thing - Igniting Sleeping Brains
Carol JC Anderson
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 6, 2017)
The Scales Aren't Just a Fish Thing method works so quickly and efficiently that students fly through the curriculum, memorizing along the way. Why? Because every modality is addressed. And with that, each student is learning through their own unique learning style. Color-coding notes, play-along music, hints along the way to prevent anything incorrect from being learned, all makes this not only efficient but a yummy way to learn, practice and work until you master the results. Gum Drop Notes aren't sophisticated and classy but they take a student through a 'dark forest' of the unknown task and make it enjoyable. Violinists can assure themselves that they are playing correctly because each note has a bowing indication and each stem of the note reminds the student on which string they should be playing that note. An Open E string tone can be played, and often should be played with a fourth finger on the A string. Lots of reasons why but does a four-year-old care? No, they will play it correctly and understand fully down the road. They will shake their head at your explanation and when they are eight acknowledge what you said. At four, they have the capability to play well and efficiently but want it at lightning speed. Gum Drop Notes offers this and much more. Give them a try.