Love, Sex and No Regrets For Today's Teens
Elizabeth Clark
(Finch Publishing, Aug. 28, 2017)
Surveys of teens say they wish their parents would talk to them moreabout sex. Really! With all their access to everything sexual, why wouldthey care what you had to say? Because most of the stuff they areseeing on movies, TV and porn are fantasies being sold to them astruths. And when they try and emulate these fantasies in real life, theyare terribly disappointed and often injured by the experience.Written from the very-easy-to-read perspective of 19-year-old Hannah,Love, Sex and No Regrets For Today’s Teens investigates how sex reallyis for teens. It outlines how both girls and boys can understand andbegin to enjoy engaging with each other, rather than feeling pressuredto plunge headlong into unsatisfying and often harmful sexualrelationships. Love, Sex and No Regrets for Today’s Teens offers cleardirections in which girls can protect themselves, learn to speak up andfind out what it is they actually want or not want to do. It also offersinsights into boys’ expectations and feelings about sex.Love, Sex and No Regrets For Today’s Teens can be used as aninformation book for parents, and as a way to start discussions aboutsex with their teens. Additionally it can also be given to teens to readwhen parents feel they are ready.