Russell Roberts
Library Binding
(Mitchell Lane Publishers, Sept. 14, 2007)
The ancient Greeks worshiped a complex group of deities, weaving their characters into timeless tales of love, heroism, and intrigue. Plays, poems, paintings, and sculptures commemorating these tales have survived for centuries. Even as world religions and scientific knowledge have evolved, bringing with them new beliefs and understanding of the world, the ancient Greek tales continue to provide a basic foundation for Western thought and sharp insight to the human psyche. Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, was a figure of many different personalities. Was he the mellow, smiling youth who gaily spread his gift of wine all over the world . . . or was he the fierce warrior who subjugated entire nations to his unbending will? Even his gift of wine reflected his dual nature. Wine could make people feel happy and good about themselves. Yet it could also turn them into mindless beasts who acted without thought or reason. The only god with a mortal mother, hated by Hera and driven mad by her, Dionysus figures in some of the most well-known tales of all time, such as the story of King Midas. His influence is vast and his importance to modern cultures remains strong, even while some of the other Olympians have faded into the pages of history. Dionysus has survived for thousands of years. He will likely survive for thousands of years more.