Tinkle Digest 34
(Amar Chitra Katha Pvt Ltd, Oct. 1, 1994)
• The fabulous white-egg diamond has been brought to the city and the notorious thief Choru has his eyes on it. Will inspector Joru manage to safeguard the diamond? Or will Choru’s wily plan succeed. Find out in Choru and Joru. • Suppandi has been expressly instructed to throw away useless objects. To what extreme will he take this logic to this time? Read this hilarious Suppandi story in One for the Trashcan. • All tall people in the kingdom of Tambu are shivering with fright. Why? Because a jealous, short police officer is throwing them into prison left, right and centre in A Short Man’s Dilemma!• Kishore’s best friend is getting married but he has no intention of gifting him. Instead he shows up with empty box. Find out what surprises await Kishore in The Gift.