Edmund Dulacâs Fairy-Book / Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations by Edmund Dulac :
Edmund Dulac
(, June 16, 2014)
SNEGOROTCHKA : A RUSSIAN FAIRY TALEThe old wife sang merrily as she sat in the inglenook stirring the soup, for she had never felt so sad. Many, many years had come and gone, leaving the weight of their winters on her shoulders and the touch of snow on her hair without ever bringing her a little child. This made her and her dear old husband very sad, for there were many children outside, playing in the snow. It seemed hard that not even one among them was their very own. But alas! there was no hope for such a blessing now. Never would they see a little fur cap hanging on the corner of the mantelpiece, nor two little shoes drying by the fire.The old husband brought in a bundle of wood and set it down. Then, as he heard the children laughing and clapping their hands outside, he looked out at the window. There they were, dancing with glee round a snow man they had made. He smiled as he saw that it was evidently meant to look like the Mayor of the village, it was so fat and pompous.'Look, Marusha!' he cried to the old wife. 'Come and see the snow man they've made.'As they stood together at the window, they laughed to see what fun the children got out of it. Suddenly the old man turned to her with a bright idea.CONTENTSSNEGOROTCHKA: A Russian Fairy TaleTHE BURIED MOON: An English Fairy TaleWHITE CAROLINE AND BLACK CAROLINE: A Flemish Fairy TaleTHE SEVEN CONQUERORS OF THE QUEEN OF THE MISSISSIPPI: A Belgian Fairy TaleTHE SERPENT PRINCE: An Italian Fairy TaleTHE HIND OF THE WOOD: A French Fairy TaleIVAN AND THE CHESTNUT HORSE: A Russian Fairy TaleTHE QUEEN OF THE MANY-COLOURED BEDCHAMBER: An Irish Fairy TaleTHE BLUE BIRD: A French Fairy TaleBASHTCHELIK (OR, REAL STEEL): A Serbian Fairy TaleTHE FRIAR AND THE BOY: An English Fairy TaleTHE GREEN SERPENT: A French Fairy TaleURASHIMA TARO: A Japanese Fairy TaleTHE FIRE BIRD: A Russian Fairy TaleTHE STORY OF THE BIRD FENG: A Chinese Fairy TaleILLUSTRATIONSSNEGOROTCHKA : A RUSSIAN FAIRY TALEThe daintiest, prettiest little maiden they had ever seenTHE BURIED MOON : AN ENGLISH FAIRY TALEIn her frantic struggles the hood of her cloak fell back from her dazzling golden hair, and immediately the whole place was flooded with lightWHITE CAROLINE AND BLACK CAROLINE : A FLEMISH FAIRY TALEAnd, when he saw White Caroline, he started to play on his organ the most beautiful airs that it was possible to hear, and the three little dogs commenced to dance togetherTHE SEVEN CONQUERORS OF THE QUEEN OF THE MISSISSIPPI : A BELGIAN FAIRY TALE'Hi! friend! Take the whole castle, with the Queen and all that it contains, on your shoulders!'THE SERPENT PRINCE : AN ITALIAN FAIRY TALEWhen Grannmia saw her strange lover, she alone remained calm and courageousTHE HIND OF THE WOOD : A FRENCH FAIRY TALEGiroflée thanked the fairy and went ... far into the wood; and there, sure enough, she saw a hut and an old woman sitting outsideIVAN AND THE CHESTNUT HORSE : A RUSSIAN FAIRY TALEThe chestnut horse seemed to linger in the air at the top of its leap while that kiss enduredTHE BLUE BIRD : A FRENCH FAIRY TALEThe Prince took a carriage drawn by three great frogs with great big wings.... Truitonne came out mysteriously by a little doorBASHTCHELIK (OR, REAL STEEL) : A SERBIAN FAIRY TALEThe Prince, looking out, saw him snatch up the Princess ... and soar rapidly awayThe Palace of the Dragon KingTHE FRIAR AND THE BOY : AN ENGLISH FAIRY TALEThe Friar, bound fast to the post, squirmed and wriggled, showing plainly that he would foot it if he couldTHE GREEN SERPENT : A FRENCH FAIRY TALELaideronnette kissed and embraced the good Fairy ProtectressURASHIMA TARO : A JAPANESE FAIRY TALEUrashima was so enchanted that he could not speak a wordTHE FIRE BIRD : A RUSSIAN FAIRY TALEThere he found the Princess asleep, and saw that her face was the face he had seen in the portraitWith a scream the Princess rushed forward, and, before her wicked sist