The Reality of Your Greatness: A Personal Journey Through the Twelve Rays
Michael G Love
(SPARK Publishing, May 30, 2018)
Do you struggle with understanding your place in this world? Do you find yourself questioning faith, spirituality, and what it all means? Do you yearn for practical steps to help you reach your personal potential? Mike Love invites you to understand your personal greatness in his latest book. He believes it is time to create a new understanding of the universe and our place in it. In his opinion, this new understanding will never come out of the old, rigid institutions. Instead of being told that we are broken sinners in need of redemption, he shows readers how to see themselves as having a Divine Heritage; as having greatness. There are many ways to leave the old dogmas behind and embrace the new understanding of who we are and how we relate to this universe. His personal experience has been facilitated by the Twelve Rays. In The Reality of Your Greatness, Mike shares with readers a new spiritual metaphor for the twenty-first century. He shares with you the information about the Rays. He offers practical ways to use the Rays in your everyday life. Throughout his practical meditations and workbook, readers will experience their own journey through the 12 Rays.