THE MAN WHO COOKED FOR HIMSELF by Phyllis Krasilovsky with pictures by Mamoru Funai
Phyllis Krasilovsky, Mamoru Funai
(Parents Magazine Press, March 15, 1981)
THE MAN WHO COOKED FOR HIMSELF by Phyllis Krasilovsky with pictures by Mamoru Funai. Hardcover Parents Magazine Press. A charmingly told and illustrated story about a man who lived alone with his cat. His kind friend had taken his grocery list but wouldn't be back for a few days with the groceries, so when the man ran out of food, he discovered that there was plenty that he could gather and cook for himself, fish from the stream and apples and acorns from the trees and greens from the yard. He and his cat had a feast! Later, when his friend arrived with the groceries, the man and his friend planned for a garden, so the man would always have food.