Hints to Horse-Keepers: A Complete Manual for Horsemen; Embracing Chapters on Mules and Ponies
Henry William Herbert
(, Dec. 12, 2011)
HINTS TO HORSE-KEEPERS.CHAPTER I.HOW TO BREED A HORSE CHOICE OF STALLION.To enter into an argument at this day of the nineteenth century, to show that the horse stock of any country is a material item in the account of the national wealth, strength and greatness, would be to admit the arguer himself an ass, or at least to show that he believed himself to be addressing an audience of asses. In no country in the world, perhaps, is such an argument less needed than in our own, where, certainly, the keeping of horses for the purposes of pleasure as well as of utility is more largely disseminated among persons of all classes than in any other, and where the desire and ability both to keep and breed horses of a high grade is - daily gaining ground, both in town and country. Among farmers the desire to raise valuable stock is, at least, increasing proportionally to the increase of the profit to be derived from them, which isadvancing every day not in consequence of any casual or temporary caprice, but is attributable to the growing perception of the fact, among all horse-keepers, that it is not only as cheap, if one keeps a horse at all, to keep a good as to keep a bad one, but in reality much cheaper. The prime cost is the only difference to be considered: the price of stable-room, keep and care is identical; the wear and tear is infinitely less in the sound, able, useful animal than in the broken-down jade; the work which can be done and the value earned by the one is in no possible relation to those by the other; while, to conclude, the cash value of the superior animal, judiciously worked,โand by judiciously is meant profitably to the owner, as well as moderately and mercifully to the beast,โand properly tended, is actually increasing annually at a greater rate than that at which the inferior animal is deteriorating.In other words, a four-year-old horse, well bought at a price of two or three hundred dollars or upward, will, when he has attained the age of seven or eight years, after having earned his meat and paid the interest of his prime cost by his services, be worth twice the money, either for working purposes or for sale, if the owner see fit to dispose of him; while an animal bought for half or a third of that price, at the same age, will probably, at the same increased age, be wholly worn out, valueless and useless; and the greater the excellence of the animal in the first instance, the greater and more rapid will be the increase in value ; the lower his qualities, to begin, the speedier and more complete the deterioration.Now, as to what constitutes value or excellence in all horses.โIt is indisputably quickness of working; power to move or carry weight, and ability to endure for a length of time; to travel for a distance with the least decreaseof pace ; to come again to work day after day, week after week, and year after year, with undiminished vigor. And it is scarcely needful to say that, under all ordinary circumstances these conditions are only compatible with the highest form and highest physical health of the anim al. Malformation must necessarily detract from speed and power; hereditary disease or constitutional derangement must necessarily detract from all powers whatsoever. Under usual circumstances it would hardly be necessary to undertake to show that quickness of working, or, in other words, speed, is necessary to a high degree of excellence in a horse of any stamp or style, and not one iota less for the animal which draws the load or breaks the glebe, than for the riding horse or the pleasure traveller before light vehicles. But it has of late become the fashion with some parties to undervalue the advantages of speed, and to deny its utility for