Position and Action in Singing: A Study of the True Conditions of Tone; A Solution of Automatic
Edmund J. Myer
(Forgotten Books, June 9, 2012)
It has been said, there is nothing new under the sun. This may be true in a certain sense, but to those who seek for knowledge, new things, new at least to them, are constantly being revealed. There is nothing new on the subject of voice-training or of singing, remarked the chairman of the program committee of aM usic Teachers A ssociation, hence no essays on vocal topics at this session. This man but voiced the sentiments of those who consider that they know all that is worth knowing on this subject, and there are many such. We must admit, however, that there is some excuse for those who live and move in the old well-worn vocal ruts, some excuse for their feeling and thinking as did this chairman of the program committee, when we consider how certain threadbare subjects are constantly being written and rewritten, diflF ering in the manner or style only of the different writers. Can the man be found who has the temerity to say that he believes that the science of voice is a finished science, that the art of voice-cultiue and of voice-use is a finished art, a complete art? On the other hand the thinkers and workers of the profession believe that the science and art of voice are in comparative infancy. As the lost arts and sciences are constantly being rediscovered, to say nothing of new discoveries, why is it not possible to learn somethmg new of the voice? New truths in any profession, as a rule, are not well received, especially when they differ radically from the preconceived ideas and fixed formulas of the profession.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writi