A Glossary of Words Used in South-west Lincolnshire;
Robert Eden George Cole
(RareBooksClub.com, Sept. 13, 2013)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1886 edition. Excerpt: ...expression, " cheek by jole"= side by side. JOLLY jOI'i adj. Fat; plump; sleek; in good condition, used to describe the condition of the body, not of the temperament. JOSKIN, sl. A farm labourer (more especially a driver of horses, or carter's mate,) engaged to work the whole year round for one master. JOSS-BLOCK jos-blok sl. A step used in mounting a horse. JOUN jou'n vl. joined. " He jouned in with a party 0' runagate chaps, and 'twarn't long before he'd made away wid all he'd got." JOY jawi sl. The common English jay. JUDGMATICAL, adj. With sense of judgment. JULY-BUG jeu'lei-bug sl. A brownish beetle, commonly called elsewhere a cockchafer, which appears in Yuly. (See also Bug.) JUNE-BUG jerrn-bug sl. A green beetle, smaller than the Ya y-lug, which is generally to be found in _'7une. JUSTLY justli adv. Exactly; precisely; for certain. "I cannot justly say," i.e., I cannot say for certain. JUST, intensive adv. Very; extremely. "I just was mad with him." " Didn't it hurt me just?" JUST-SO just-soa adv. Very exactly and precisely; thoroughly; in one particular way. " He's not a bad master, but he will have everything done just-so; and you wunt please him without everything is just-so, I can tell ye! " JUT jut sl. A pail with a long handle. KARFE kaa'f sb. The cut made by a saw; the hole made by the first strokes of an axe in felling or chopping wood; from the verb to carve. (See Carf, which is out of place on p. 25.) KEELER keelur sb. A cooler; being the special name given to a broad shallow vessel of wood, wherein milk is set to cream or wort to cool. In the Boteler Inventory, we find: "In the milke house...