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Other editions of book TOR: Assassin Hunter

  • TOR Assassin Hunter

    Billy Bob Buttons

    eBook (The Wishing Shelf Press, Jan. 1, 2012)
    The year is 1870. Major Tor, a mercenary and deadly sniper, is called from battle to stop Locust, a SWARM assassin who is plotting to murder the King of Sweden.From the rubble and watery craters of France to the shadowy corridors of Stockholm’s old castle, Tor must discover who the assassin is and put a stop to his, or her plan to throw a country into a barbaric and bloody war.Accompany him if you dare into a world of bayonets and bullets, where the enemy’s sword is forever chasing your shadow.But remember this, when you hunt nobody.TOR ASSASSIN HUNTER is the first book in the TOR TRILOGY, the turbulent story of a Swedish mercenary infested by the spirit of Skufsi Tennur, the most sinister, most unholy werewolf of the Hamrammr tribe.TOR Assassin Hunter is up there with Harry Potter. A wonderful book!Simon, 14Try to work out who the assassin is. It will drive you nuts. The best book on my shelf.Peter, 13A book for anybody who enjoys a riddle.Stephen, 11TOR Wolf Rising is on my Christmas wish list.Steven, 10Hidden under my bedsheets, I did not shut Tor Assassin Hunter till 11 o’clock. Superb! I even turned off my computer to finish it.Abhirupa, 13So much fun! The only problem with Tor Assassin Hunter is it ended.Cindy, 13Starts with a BANG! Ends with a BANG! A fantastic story full of swords and pistols.Moorti, 12
  • TOR: Assassin Hunter

    Billy Bob Buttons

    Hardcover (The Wishing Shelf Press, July 27, 2012)