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Other editions of book Taylor Swift

  • Taylor Swift

    Corporate Contributor

    Library Binding (Lucent Books, Nov. 18, 2011)
    Presents the music superstar's early life in Pennsylvania, how she got her recording contract, and her life and charity work.
  • Taylor Swift

    Cherese Cartlidge, Corporate Contributor

    eBook (Lucent Books Inc, Nov. 18, 2011)
    This contemporary biography series profiles the lives of some of today’s most prominent newsmakers; whether covering contributions and achievements or notorious deeds, books in this series examine why these well-known people garner public attention.; ; Offering insight into the lives of people who have made an impact in the modern era, People in the News volumes are sure to be of interest to students researching current topics and popular culture. Through quotations from the individual profiled as well as from friends, supporters, and critics, readers learn how these men and women view themselves as well as how other regard them. Each book in this series includes sidebars, photographs, annotated bibliographies, timelines, and comprehensive indexes.