The general;: Or, Twelve nights in the hunters' camp; a narrative of real life
W Barrows
Unknown Binding
(Books for Libraries Press, March 15, 1971)
First I nternew with the noted Chiefs Black Hawk and Keokuk. The Passage up. Trip into the Interior of I owa. Natural Beauties. Rock Island and the Environs. Black Hawk, the Chieftain, the Warrior of 1812, and Friend of Tecumseh. Eeokiik his Hival. Black Hawk War in its Causes and Ending. Black Hawk the Prisoner of the Whites. The General sits in an Indian Council. Indian Habits and Methods in Council. Keokuk in Dress, Manners, and Speech. Indian Games following the Council. Bock Island the ancient Besort of the I ndians. Battles for it. An Indian Duel. Arrest of the Murderer. His fearful Execution 90 SIXTH NIGHT. PSELUDE. Sameness, yet Variety, in our Camp Life. Visitors in Broadcloth. What Saint Izaak Walton says. Two Trumpeter Swans bagged. Their Habits, Beauty, Weight, and Flesh. Old English Laws concerning. Audubon on the Swan, and The General on the Stand. .104 The Stobt. Sununer of 1837. Surveying on the Wabessapinecon. Supplies then from Cincinnati. Studying .the Indian Language. His Teacher, Nah-cme-naske. Stakes and Bounds destroyed. .T rouble. Indian Creed of the Future State. Corrupted by the Whites. The General forms a Dictionary of their Language. Becomes their Friend. Lost at Night on tiie Biver. Winter of 1837-8 among I ndians. Ketum to Davenport in A pril. To New Jersey. Back to the Territory with his Family. Then and now in I owa. The poor I ndian. A sad Camp 109 SEVENTH NIG fiT. Pbblude. Mississippi Bottom Land. Old Forest The charms of Solitude. Choate with us.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Careful attention has been made to a