(McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin, March 24, 2004)
2005 McDougal Littell Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction -- Formal Assessment (P) ***Contents: *Section Quizzes & *Chapter Tests Forms A, B and C ***ISBN-13: 9780618409853 ***Pages: 450
Guided reading; building vocabulary; skillbuilding; geography applications; literature selections; history makers;connections across time and cultures;sci. & technology;answer key.
2004 McDougaL Littell Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction -- Lesson Plans (P) ***Two-Page Lesson Plan for Each Section in Pupil Edition: *Unit In-Depth Resources *Transparencies *Formal Assessment *Patterns of Interaction Video Series ***Customizing Options: *Struggling Readers *On-Level *Above-Level *English Learners *Integrated Technology ***ISBN-13: 9780618409891 ***Pages: 172