Dictionary of Aviation
Robert Morris Pierce
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1911 edition. Excerpt: ...wings. hull Iiai n. the frame or body of a dirigible; the floatsvessel of an airship: as, an aluminum hull divided into sixteen gastight compartments. hull-resistance 'hAl-zi,zistns n. the resistance which the hull, body, frame or car of a balloon, airship, or flyer, considerd apart from the spars, rigging, and sustainingssurfaces, offers to the air, in flight; bodysresistance; heds resistance: contjasted with drift. humidity hco'midi-ti n. i. the quality or condition of being humid or moist; moisture, dampness. 2. liquid matter, especially condenst watersvapor, which makes a body or locality humid or moist; moisture in the air, such as vapor, mist, or feg; damp. humming-bird 'hAmiij,bu:t-d n. any bird of the large family Tjochilidae, remarkable for the humming sound made by the vibration of the wings, which is more rapid than that of any other kind of bird. hurricane 'hBzi,ken n. a violent windsstorm or wind prevailing around the center of a West Indian or other tjopical cyclone, whose rate varies from 8o to 13o miles an hour; any sterm or tempest in which the wind blows with terrific violence; specifically, a wind (numberd 12 in Beaufort's windsscale) having a velocity of about 5o meters per second. hurricane wind, see under wind. hurricane-distance 'hBzi-ken,distns n. the distance of the center of a hurricane from any given point, often roughly calculated from the average rate at which the barometjic pressure is falling; the distance of the center of a hurricane according to the law of sterms. hurricane-range 'hBn-ken,zeend3 n. a range or region in which hurricanes prevail or occur. hurricane-signal 'hBzi-ken,signl n. a windssignal used with reference to an approaching hurricane; a hurricanes warning. hurricane-track 'hBzi-ken,tj.aek...