Meth Vs. Death: No Way Out
Stormy Rainey, Julie Holt
(Amazon KDP, April 10, 2018)
Book Description. My story is much more than the title explains. It has many things to offer and I believe that anyone who reads it can relate in some aspect. -never judge a book by its cover. My story is explicit and raw. All of my secrets and the truth about my life are revealed, good and bad. Dating back to the bible and creation of man, there has always been good and bad, right and wrong, and police and felons. There’s always two sides, so my point is, instead of being on one side or the other and passing judgement, try and understand what is really going on with that person. My story explains how I struggled with drugs and the events that led to it and the crimes we commit to feed that habit. Just because someone is struggling with an addiction doesn’t make them a bad person, maybe they are just losing the battle with themselves. I urge you to keep an open mind and heart before judging an addict, they are someone’s son or daughter to. I hope when you read this book you will have a better understanding of what it’s like to struggle with addiction.