The Bobbsey Twins on Blueberry Island
Laura Lee Hope
(Forgotten Books, July 16, 2010)
...her first venture into the volumes of the "Bobbsey Twins Series." If so, I will state that there are a number of books which come before this, though this story is complete in itself.To begin with there were four Bobbsey twins, as you have guessed before this. Nan and Bert were about ten years old, tall and dark, with eyes and hair to match.Flossie and Freddie were short and fat, and had light hair and blue eyes. So, now that you know them you will have no trouble in telling the twins, one from the other.With their mother and their father, who owned a large lumberyard, the twins lived in the eastern city of Lakeport near the head of Lake Metoka. There were others in the family besides the twins and their parents. There was dear old, black, fat Dinah, the cook, who made such good pies, and there was Sam, her husband. And I must not forget Snoop, the black cat, nor Snap, the big dog, who once did tricks in a circus. You will hear more about them later."The Bobbsey Twins," is...Table of Contents CONTENTS; CHAPTER; I THE GYPSIES •; II A SURPRISE •; III WORRIED TWINS; IV THE (;QAT • •; V A BUMPY RIDE •; VI JOLLY NEWS; • • n •; VII "WHfRE Is SNAP?" •; VIII OYF TO CAMP • •; IX A NIGHT SCARE • • •; X THt: "Go-AROUND" BUGs; XI THE BLUEBERRY BOY •; XII THE DRIFTI~G BOAT •; XIII Il'l THE CAVE • • •; XIV HELEN'S VISIT •; XV THE DoLL'S DR ESS; XVI SNOOP Is MISSING; XVII FRF:DDlE Is CAUGHT •; XVIII FLO'SIE Is T ANCLED • •; XIX THE TWI~s F AlL DOWN •; XX THE QUEFR NOISE • • •; XXI "HERE COM ES SNAP I" •; XXII HAPPY DAYS ; About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Repr