The Adventures of Blue Flamingo II
Vikkas Arun Pareek, Kirtiveer Jaswal
(SHABD SANSAR, 73/210, Mansavorav, Jaipur 302020, May 13, 2017)
The Adventures of Blue Flamingo Book Series is a collection of illustrated short stories for children, meant to inspire little ones to be kind, brave and informed about right choices in life, inculcating strong fundamentals. The book has 4 stories (2 stories with 14 pages and 2 stories with 16 pages); these stories can be read in continuation as well as separate. They are suitable for children 3-6 years of age and elders as well, as probably we need it more than the kids. The Second book in the series is dedicated to SWACH BHARAT ABHIYAN, As the characters learn and make other understand the importance of cleanliness.