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Other editions of book Danny, the Diabetes Dynamo

  • Danny, the Diabetes Dynamo

    Michelle Dart

    language (Ringo Publishing, Inc., Sept. 2, 2012)
    This is a children's book that helps to teach basic knowledge of Type 1 Diabetes. As adults, we often use words the child may not understand. This book helps the child to understand what they may be hearing about when they visit their doctor or diabetes educator. Danny is a normal child who now has Type 1 Diabetes. He struggles with the changes it brings to his life. With imagination, he creates an exciting new way to look at the day to day diabetes tasks. He invites children to share stories with him through letters and email. Children are encouraged to write to Danny and share their story. The child's name will appear in the next "Danny" book and will inspire Danny's future.The beginning of a series of books, "Danny" will grow with the child and help prepare them for a lifetime of self-management skills. Everyone has a valuable story to tell, including children. Through this book, children have a voice about their life with diabetes. Not only does it help the children to verbalize or express their personal experience, it benefits us, as adults to better understand the child's perspective, something we can only understand if we were children with diabetes, also.
  • Danny, the Diabetes Dynamo

    Michelle A. Dart

    Paperback (Ringo Publishing, Inc., July 5, 2010)
    This is a children's book that teaches basic skills of diabetes management and empowers children to take part in their diabetes care. Children are encouraged to contact Danny, the main character and share their stories. This is the first book in a series that educate about various issues related to living with Type 1 Diabetes. Being diagnosed with diabetes is life changing and there are many challenges that come with this diagnosis. Danny has been created to help give new perspective to those challenges so children can meet them with strength and perserverance. Written by a certified diabetes educator, parent of a child with Type 1 Diabetes, and child of a parent with Type 2 Diabetes, Michelle A. Dart, MSN, PNP, CDE created this book to give children a voice. Everyone has a valuable story to be told, including children. Information for children to contact Danny is within the book. A portion of the proceeds from this book is donated to the American Diabetes Association and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.