A Hand-book of the engrafted words of the English language; embracing the choice on the basis of the Hand-book of the Anglo-Saxon root-words in three parts
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(RareBooksClub.com, May 19, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1857 Excerpt: ... nightly Elicit, to draw out, bring forth to music. view. s, ed, ing a, ed, ing Guabd, to keep, and also defend. /mteude, to thrast in; to enter irain-«, ed, ing vited. Aftruxcm, to betroth, or promise to «, ed, ing marry. 0i--, s, ed, ing s, ed, ing Pro, s, ed, ing iVoceED, to go before; to excel..Recognize, to know again; to recol--------«, ed, ing led. Pledge, to give something in secu-Certi/i/, to make certain; to give ritT-information in writing. s, ed, ing---es, ed, ing-.--Budge, to move off. Cohsult, to seek the advice of an s, ed, ing. other in converse. Desy, to contradict. s, ed, ing-es, ed, ing DeTArs, to hold back; to withhold. Comport, to bear with; to agree to. s, ed, ing ProMENAde, to walk; to take a walk. s, ed, ing TWENTY-SIXTH STUDY. THE NATION. The nation is a large society of men occupying the same country, and living under the same government. It is an assemblage of families. Nations receive various n." mes from the people composing them and their form of gc yrernment. Exercise i. NAMES OF THINGS. Swa", power used to control. Hus a king much sway 1 Pol., a ball; an election of officers. Bi /ck, a large mass of wood or stone. ode, the stopping of a passage at sea. Dock, a place for building or laying up ships.-yard Mint, a place where money is coined. Rllct, one who governs. Moat, a ditch round a castle. Parliament, the supreme legislative assembly of Great Britain and Ireland. Policy, the art of governing or legislating. Embassy, the message of an ambassador; persons sent as a legation. Aili/lxck, union between nations. PENAUy, suffering for crime; a punishment. Comtrol, a counter roll, or book; power to regulate. able, er, ership, ment. Senate, a council of chief men, or legislators. or, orial,-house. EnvoY, on...