This is a story about a mischievous young girl called Goldilocks, who one day entered a quaint cottage while its inhabitants were out. Little did she know that the inhabitants were three bears, and that they were soon to return!Enjoy this fantastic adaption of a classic tale, by the renowned producer Mike Bennett.Originally narrated by legendary British comedian Rik MayallAudio book is downloadable at videos on Fairy Tales For You YouTube channel.
This is a story about a mischievous young girl called Goldilocks, who one day entered a quaint cottage while its inhabitants were out. Little did she know that the inhabitants were three bears, and that they were soon to return! Enjoy this fantastic adaption of a classic tale, by the renowned producer Mike Bennett. Originally narrated by legendary British comedian Rik Mayall Audio book is downloadable at Animated videos on Fairy Tales For You YouTube channel.