Danny's Dolphin's Rescue Squad
Richard Banko
(Llumina Kids, Nov. 29, 2012)
Situated in the Florida Keys, Danny Dolphins Rescue Squad is a story about animated sea creatures that attempt to change people’s attitudes about the ocean and the creatures in it. People are frightened of some sea creatures, and most sea creatures are frightened of humans. Through the eyes and actions of Danny, we see that humans and all sea creatures can get along. This is a touching story of animals helping people and people helping animals. Obviously it’s fictitious, because humans and animals don’t actually interact this way, but it’s fun to think about how the world would be if they could. The author has had numerous real life, first-hand experiences swimming with wild dolphins. They are naturally curious, and seem to be quite unafraid of us. He can see how dolphins would save humans if the situation really arose, and those experiences helped in formulating this story. Have fun reading.