Colonel Carter of Cartersville
Francis Hopkinson Smith
(Forgotten Books, March 9, 2010)
THE dinner ,vas at the co]onel's - an old.fashioned, partly furnished, two-st~ry house nearly a century old vhich crouches dovn behind a larger and more nl0dem dvelling fronting on Bedford Place within a stone's throw of the tall clock tover of Jeff erson Market. The street entrance to this curious abode is marked by a svinging wooden gate opening into a narrov tunnel ,vhich dodges under the front house. It is an uncanny sort of passagevay, mouldy and wet from a long-neglected leak overhead, and is lighted at night by a rusty lantern ,vith dingy glass sides. On sunny days this gruesome tunnel frames from the street a delightful pictureTable of Contents CONTENTS AND LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS; CH"PT~R FAGS; u ~[y fire is my friend" P,ontispiue; I THE COLONEL'S HOUSH IN BEDFORP P,LACE 1; The Street Entrance 3; Chad " dishin' the Dinner" 13; 16 Gentlemen, a true Southern lady" 16; Fitz '9; II THE GARD£N SPOT OF VIRGINIA ~EEKS AN; OUTLET TO TH E SEA 2); "Chad was groaning under a square wicker; basket" 26; U The little negroes around the door" 46; III AN OLD FAMILY SERVANT 49; " Vho IS that?" 53; 1'he old Clock Tower 61; Mister Grocerman 76; IV THE ARRIVAL Or' A TRUE SOUTHERN LAUY 78; v A~ ALLUSION TO A YELLOW DOG 99; The Colone1's Office 100; The Advance Agent ; The l'ervous Man ; VI CERTAIN IMPORTANT LETTERS; " Like an ebony Statue of Liberty"; VlI THE OUTCO:IE OF A COUNCIL OF VAR; " Down a flight of stone steps" •; • 104-; 108; • III; 12J; 126 VIll A HIGH SENSE OF HONOR • • 145; U Klutchem looked at him in perfect astonish·; ment" •; IX A VISIT OF CEREMONY; The Colonel's Door; X CHAD IN SEARCH OF A COAL-FIELD; Xl CUAD ON HIS OWN CABIN FLOOR; Polishing the Parlor Floor; IIenny •; Some Stray Pickaninnies ; XII THE ENGLlSH~rANJs CHECK •; •; •; 152; • 154; 154; · 165; ISo; · lSI; 187; · 191; 198