The novel Champion by Miles Cobbett is proving itself to be a heartwarming contender in the competitive market of American fiction. It's the story of a work-toughened Alaskan laborer and his life-changing decision to enter the world of professional boxing. Using a simple yet powerful writing style Cobbett takes the listener along on the exciting journey of a lifetime.
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 3, 2017)
The novel Champion by Miles Cobbett is loved by readers of ages 4 - 92, and by endearing itself in the hearts of readers of basically "all ages -both male and female-" it is proving itself to be a heartwarming contender in the Best Seller Markets for Young Adults, Romance as well as Literary Fiction. It's the story of a work-toughened Alaskan laborer and his life-changing decision to enter the world of professional boxing. Using simple yet powerful writing style Cobbett allows the reader the chance to escape everyday life and step into someone else's shoes, while they experience the thrilling journey of a lifetime.
(CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, April 2, 2014)
The novel Champion by Miles Cobbett is proving itself to be a heartwarming contender in the Best Seller List of American Fiction. It's the story of a work-toughened Alaskan laborer and his life-changing decision to enter the world of professional boxing. Using simple yet powerful writing style Cobbett allows the reader the chance to escape everyday life and step into someone else's shoes, while they experience the thrilling journey of a lifetime.
The novel Champion by Miles Cobbett has proven itself to be a heartwarming contender in the competitive market of American fiction.It's the story of a work-toughened Alaskan laborer and his life-changing decision to enter the world of professional boxing. Using simple yet powerful writing style Cobbett takes the reader along on the exciting journey of a lifetime.Scroll up and capture this amazing story with just one clickWhen you finish Champion #1 get ready for Champion #2 Watch for this exciting New Release