Greatest Movie Monsters
Kathryn Morgan, Greg Roza, David Kassnoff, Heather Moore Niver, Daniel E. Harmon
Library Binding
(Rosen Central, Aug. 1, 2015)
This series is a fun and engaging look at some of the most famous and influential movie monsters of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Readers will get an in-depth look into the origin of each monster, the making of original movies and sequels, these creatures’ other film incarnations, their impact on audiences, and much more. Celebrating these iconic monsters also provides the opportunity to learn more about the history of film. Each book is visually stimulating and teeming with movie stills and various behind-the-scenes shots. • Includes a filmography of each creature’s history on the silver screen• Explores the mythic or folkloric origins of each monster• High-interest content will engage reluctant readers