Anatomy, Physiology and Hygiene for High Schools
Henry Fox Hewes
(, March 6, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1900 Excerpt: a serous membrane (a membrane made up of cells which discharge a serumlike or wheylike substance). These free surfaces of the two parts of the pericardium, the part lining the heart and the part forming the sac, move freely upon each other with the movements of the heart. The cavity between them contains a little fluid secreted by the cells of the serous membrane. The heart is conical in shape, the broad end, or base,uppermost, thecone end, or apex, below. The apex lies opposite the point of the chest wall at which we can feel the heart beat most strongly, between the fifth and sixth ribs to the left of the sternum. At the base of the heart the large arteries run out. Here at the base on each side is a flat, soft, earlike structure connected with the firmer part below. These flabby structures are the appendages of the auricles (Latin auris, "ear") of the heart. The firmer parts below inclose the ventricles (Latin venter, "belly"). The heart consists of four chambers--two auricles, right and left, and two ventricles, right and left. At the base, Heart and lungs in chest. a, arteries and veins to head (right); b, arteries, veins, and nerves to arm (left); ft, heart; I, lung (drawn back); p, pericardium. posteriorly and to the left, lies the left auricle. In the comparatively thin walls of this cavity are four small openings, the apertures of the pulmonary veins, which bring the blood from the lungs. In the lower wall of the auricle is a large opening to the left ventricle. The left ventricle lies in the lower part of the heart, to the front and left. The walls of this cavity are very thick and firm. Upon its upper wall is the opening from the left auricle. This opening is covered by a valve made up of two flaps, the bicuspid or mitral (...