Enchantress Sacrifice
Denice Hughes Lewis
(Prism Arts LLC, March 4, 2017)
A forbidden birth. A child destined to die. This young adult fantasy adventure pits a teen against a Beast hungering for her soul and natives wanting her death. On a secret island, an enchantress is born. It is against the law for a Kepyr and Ice Lord to create one who breathes light instead of air. After her mother's murder, Elandra is rescued by a monster with the heart of a woman and hidden underground. A secretive healer becomes her mentor until he expects her to leave the safety of her home, gain her full power and fulfill her destiny as savior of the island. He hasn’t taught her how to control her emotions. If she doesn't learn, she has no chance of survival. Romance blooms when a shipwrecked young man awakens her feelings. Unwilling to accept her destiny as a savior, Elandra chooses a dangerous quest to become normal by finding a magical lagoon that can transform her. Glaciers, wild animals, earthquakes and lava flows endanger her life and the loved ones who help her on her quest. Will she pay the ultimate price to save them when all are captured and imprisoned? Join Elandra as she struggles to choose a life she wants over her preordained destiny on an island unknown to the modern world.