All the year round Volume 2
Charles Dickens
(, May 14, 2012)
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1860 Excerpt: ...will advocate a light, airy structure, well ventilated at top. Whatever it is to be, in the name of the present market maze, let it be erected quickly, cheaply, and well! Let us feel, when we go to bed, that our dinners are no longer being sent to crowded Newgate-street to take their bitter trial; and that our national cathedral is preserved from dead meat desecration for at least two centuries to come! Just published, in one vol. demy 8vo, price 9s., A TALE OF TWO CITIE8. BY CHARLES DICKENS. With Sixteen Illustrations by Hablot K. Browne. Now ready, price 5s., OLD LEAVES: Gathered from Household Words. By W. HENRY WILLS. London: Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly. THE WOMAN IN WHITE. The right of Translating Articles from All THE Year Rouxd it reserved by the Authors, Pabllabed ai tho Office, No. 11, A c4iinb't(tn Street Notrh, Strand, Printed oy C. WuirlKO, Boattfort Utiue, Strand ALL THE TEAR ROUND. A WEEKLY JOURNAL. CONDUCTED BY CHARLES DICKENS. WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED HOUSEHOLD WORDS. N0, 40. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1860. pkice 2d. THE NARRATIVE OF MARIAN HALCOMBE. TAKEN PROM HER DIARV. ยป n Limmeridge House, November 7th. This morning, Mr. Gilmore left us. His interview with Laura had evidently grieved and surprised him more than he liked to confess. I felt afraid, from his look and manner when we parted, that she might have inadvertently betrayed to him the real secret of her depression and of my anxiety. This doubt grew on me so, after he had gone, that I declined riding out with Sir Percival, and ent up to Laura's room instead. I have been sadly distrustful of myself, in this difficult and lamentable matter, ever since I found out my own ignorance of the strength of Laura's unhappy attachment. 1 ought to have known that the delicacy and forbear...