Controlling Florida: Colonization to Statehood
Debra Housel
(Teacher Created Materials, Oct. 30, 2016)
The Controlling Florida: Colonization to Statehood primary source reader equips teachers with a stunning informational text that will excite students as they learn about Florida state history. This fascinating e-Book features vibrant primary source documents to provide an intimate glimpse of life during the early days of Florida's colonization. Build valuable literacy and state standards-aligned content knowledge with this nonfiction text that explores history, geography, and other strands of social studies. The e-Book contains text features (such as headings, glossary, and index) to strengthen understanding of the material as well as build academic vocabulary. Aligned with Florida state standards for Social Studies and English Language Arts, WIDA, and the NCSS/C3 Framework, this valuable classroom resource readies students for college and career readiness.