How does a jumbo jet weighing 350 tonnes and carrying 500 people stay in the air? How does a hummingbird hover over a flower with pinpoint precision? Decode the mysteries and discover the scientific facts about natural flight and human aviation. Follow the history of flying from the many disastrous attempts to soar, to the creation of a supersonic airliner that flies faster than sound, and discover the techniques of nature's most skilled flyers from the prehistoric pterosaur, to the long distance albatross. There are 19 practical projects designed to reinforce learning.
Wings are the fastest way to travel. A peregrine falcon's dramatic dive makes it the fastest creature on Earth. A jumbo jet's engine makes it ten times quicker than a boat or a train. This book explains how creatures and machines are able to fly, how wings, propellers, and engines work, what flight is like in space, and what it might be like in the future. 250+ illustrations.