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Other editions of book Maker Faire

  • Maker Faire

    Kristin Fontichiaro, Samantha Roslund

    eBook (Cherry Lake Publishing, Oct. 20, 2013)
    Around the world, makers come together to share their ideas and inventions at Maker Faires. Readers will integrate visual information with text and learn technical word meanings as they read what it is like to visit these incredible events and see some of the world's most innovative new projects. They will also find out how to volunteer at Maker Faires or event plan their own maker events.
  • Maker Faire

    Samantha Fontichiaro Roslund

    Paperback (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2013)
    Around the world, makers come together to share their ideas and inventions at Maker Faires. Readers will integrate visual information with text and learn technical word meanings as they read what it is like to visit these incredible events and see some of the world's most innovative new projects. They will also find out how to volunteer at Maker Faires or event plan their own maker events.
  • Maker Faire

    Samantha RoSlund, Kristin Fontichiaro

    Library Binding (Cherry Lake Pub, Aug. 1, 2013)
    Around the world, makers come together to share their ideas and inventions at Maker Faires. Readers will integrate visual information with text and learn technical word meanings as they read what it is like to visit these incredible events and see some of the world's most innovative new projects. They will also find out how to volunteer at Maker Faires or event plan their own maker events.
  • Maker Faire

    Samantha RoSlund;Kristin Fontichiaro

    Paperback (Cherry Lake Publishing, Aug. 16, 1785)