This lively sequel to The Long Way to a New Land follows the fortunes of Carl Erik’s family from New York City to the farmlands of Minnesota. "Historically accurate; will attract competent primary-grade readers and will be equally suitable for less able readers in intermediate grades." —SLJ. 1990 The USA Through Children's Books (ALA)Children's Books of 1989 (Library of Congress)1989 Children's Books (NY Public Library)
Relates the experiences of two young brothers and their family, immigrants from Sweden, from their arrival in New York through the journey to their new home in Minnesota.
Relates the experiences of two young brothers and their family, immigrants from Sweden, from their arrival in New York through the journey to their new home in Minnesota.
School & Library Binding
(Turtleback Books, Jan. 30, 1992)
FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. Relates the experiences of two young brothers and their family, immigrants from Sweden; from their arrival in New York through the journey to their new home in Minnesota.
This lively sequel to The Long Way to a New Land follows the fortunes of Carl Erik's family from New York City to the farmlands of Minnesota. "Historically accurate; will attract competent primary-grade readers and will be equally suitable for less able readers in intermediate grades." --SLJ. 1990 The USA Through Children's Books (ALA)Children's Books of 1989 (Library of Congress)1989 Children's Books (NY Public Library)
Relates the experiences of two young brothers and their family, immigrants from Sweden, from their arrival in New York through the journey to their new home in Minnesota.